.    protect your most valuable assets

Employee experience strategy & support.

Now more than ever, employees are your brand’s most valuable asset. But, knowing exactly what they think of you—across every department and location—isn’t an easy task. When you partner with ComOps, you gain access to meaningful data that empowers you to lead with excellence, as well as retain top talent and scale your business.

Strategic Consulting.

  • Analysis of existing employee experience journey, from recruiting to off-boarding, using past employee survey data
  • Employee experience and cultural guidance, including recommendations on areas of focus resulting in improvements in KPIs
  • Assistance with vendor selection and RFP management for organizations with no employee engagement tool or other sentiment analysis
  • Consultation of existing or emerging employee experience management programs, including identification of key journey moments to measure, frequency of measurement, and optimization of the questions asked

Specialized Support.

  • Using best-in-class software tools to oversee all aspects of a multi-touchpoint employee experience program
  • Oversee and execute the program design, including survey, data, and reporting design
  • Conduct regular business reviews of the employee experience analytics and bring insights to key stakeholders using campaign management techniques
  • Oversee regular program maintenance and servicing, including program developments and enhancements
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ComOps Partners with Medallia

ComOps is proud of its strategic partnership with Medallia, the globally renowned leader in experience management solutions. Learn how ComOps can help you empower every team leader to be an employee experience champion.

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